Booking a Class FAQs:

Do I need to have any background in philosophy to take a course?

No. People from all walks of life and levels of education are encouraged to register for courses. So, whether you have a degree in philosophy or this is your first exposure to philosophy, all courses will be welcoming and accessible.

is there homework?

Short reading assignments are made available to the students each week. While no one is compelled to read them, the course will be a richer experience for those who do.

Will course materials be provided?

Yes. Participants will be provided with course materials at no charge.

Are courses ever canceled or postponed?

Typically, a minimum of 10 students is required for a scheduled course to proceed. If too few people register for a course, it is possible that it will be rescheduled or canceled. In such cases, those who registered are eligible for refunds.

what if i lose my gift certificate?

Logos4Wisdom will not require you to redeem your digital gift certificate. We have a record of your purchase and will honor it up to 2 years from purchase.

Do I have to speak in class?

No. While the courses are often conversational in nature, no one is required to speak and no students are put on the spot to do so.

How will i receive information on my coursE after I sign up?

You will receive a confirmation email when you book a class with links to pay by Venmo or Paypal. You can also email for additional options. Once payment is received, we will be emailing you course information and instructions for participating via Zoom well in advance of any course. Times, dates, and other pertinent information will be included along with the Zoom link. Please do not share the Zoom link for any course with anyone else.

REFund policy?

Logos4Wisdom seeks to make every participant’s experience worthwhile and enjoyable. Once a course has started no refunds will be given to a participant. If you registered for a course and need to cancel - as long as you do this 24 hours before the 1st session of a course has started - you can either re-schedule for another course or request a refund. Other than stated above, refunds will be at the sole discretion of Logos4Wisdom; but we endeavor to always treat our participants by “the golden rule.”